Melcare's Manuka Wound Gel is a sterile antibacterial honey gel made from Leptospermum sp. (Manuka) honey (80%) and a natural emollient for ease of application and patient comfort.Melcare’s Manuka Wound Gel™ low pH and high osmotic potential also helps protect the wound from contamination and colonization by bacteria. It also rapidly deodorizes wounds to help protect them from flystrike.
Melcare’s Manuka Wound Gel is made from Leptospermum sp. honey (80%),
● Inspect and clean the wound using standard techniques.
● Open by reversing the cap and twisting off the top.
● Manuka Wound Gel™ should be applied liberally (e.g. for a pen-sized wound apply 20-25g of Manuka Wound Gel).
● If you experience a reaction other than a short-lasting stinging feeling, remove the dressing and wash the affected area.
● Not for use on heavily exudating wounds.